OCG Ministries is now 316 Retreat, Inc.

Behind the scenes our team has been working diligently to obtain non-profit status for our ministry to do even more, and we are thrilled to inform you that effective immediately, OCG Ministries is now 316 Retreat, Inc. - an IRS 501(c)(3) organization!

Who We Are

316 Retreat has been planning and coordinating men's and women's weekend retreats for over 20 years. The organization offers retreats for men & women seeking to find community, grow closer to God, and experience the freedom and peace of Christ. Our philosophy is to create an environment that facilitates the needs of our guests, while working very hard in the background so the entire event is a seamless enjoyable experience. 

We are committed to hosting our weekends at Young Life camps across the country. We love working with our Young Life Family.


“Some great in-depth real discussion with the men that caused all to reconsider or consider changes. Well done!”

— Gabriel H.

“I started down the right road to find my joy, and committed to praying more & more”

— Sharon L.

“Inspired by men to live for Christ and to enjoy the life Jesus has given me.”

— Griffin R.

“Having plans of harming myself, the love I received during the retreat changed my heart. The retreat saved my life.”

— Amelia S.

Learn More About Our Retreats

316 Retreat is dedicated to providing exceptional weekend retreats for men and women. Our philosophy is centered around creating an environment that facilitates the needs of our guests while working hard behind the scenes to ensure that every aspect of the event is a seamless and enjoyable experience. To learn more about our retreats, click the buttons below.

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